On this route, we will visit the historical tower and rampart of the cityand then we will pass the old glaciers that are about 700 years old, and then we will enter the Jalali Castle.
After the Jalali Castle, we enter the old structure of Kashan from the side of the walls of the tower and the ramparts, and we enter the Tabatabai alley from the back alleys and the neighborhood behind the shrine of Sultan Amir Ahmad.
After passing through this alley, we will visit some handicrafts, pottery and cloth weaving workshops, and of course, before that, we will visit Bakuchi House, Textile Center (Kashan Museum).
And after that, we will visit the tomb of forty girls which is along the way, we will enter Sang Ploui neighborhood and after this neighborhood we will reach Sang Ploui pass and at the end of this pass we will enter Surijan pass and then towards Lucy’s house which is a photography museum and center An exhibition of special photos that received the Lucy Award.